There shall be a Unit of the University called Internal Quality Assurance Unit. The Internal Quality Assurance Unit is concerned about the quality of the academic programs it offers and also ensuring the production of skilled graduates who can contribute to the socio – economic development both at local and international level.
The Internal Quality Assurance Unit engages various activities that are focused to improve the total internal quality system of the University.
The Internal Quality Assurance Unit shall consist of:
1. Vice Chancellor
2. Deputy Vice Chancellor
3. Dean of Various Faculties
4. Registrar
5. Director
The Administration of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit shall be headed by a Director which shall act in the capacity of Director of Internal Quality Assurance Unit. The Director shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor.
Topland University Internal Quality Assurance Unit shall have the following objectives:
1. To develop Quality Assurance Policy that will meet the vision of the University.
2. To monitor the enforcement of the Policy.
3. To ensure effective performance processes of the University administrative and academic activities.
4. To identify global standards applicable for effective instruction and training.
5. To act as a tool for systematic quality planning, quality improvement, quality control and quality assurance.
6. To continually evaluate the quality system of the University at periodic basics.
7. To coordinate Students’ Academic Evaluation and recommend areas of improvement.
8. To assess competency of teaching staff.
9. To coordinate both internal and external assessment of academic programs and also the University as a whole.
10. To develop self-assessment manual that is suitable to the academic programs and the University.
11. To conduct yearly evaluation of the University’s Strategic Plan.
12. To establish an Internal Quality Assurance Committee.
The Internal Quality Assurance Committee is a sub-unit of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit. The Internal Quality Assurance Committee has a sole duty of ensuring that the objectives of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit are enforced and achieved.
The Internal Quality Assurance Committee is the watch dog of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit and is answerable to the Unit.
The Director of Internal Quality Assurance Unit has a responsibility of setting-up members of the committee and submits such names to the Unit for approval. The members of the Committee must be both administrative and academic staff of the University. This Committee shall serve as the Internal Quality Controllers of the University and report directly to the Internal Quality Assurance Unit.
The Internal Quality Assurance Committee must concentrate on the below listed areas and also ensure that such areas are in compliance with prescribed standards applicable to University.
1. Academic Program Quality Assurance Assessment
2. Internal Quality System Checks and Balances
3. Students Assessment Measures
4. Teaching and Learning Patterns
5. Academic Program Structure and Content
6. Academic Modes of Delivery
7. Progressive Assessment of Student Learning
8. Teaching Staff Assessment Measures
9. Students Admissions Enrollment
10. Method of Recruiting Teaching Staff and Qualifications of Teaching Staff.